Whew! What a week I had! Im going to try and update this thing more than once weekly, but this past week was crazy, to say the least, but very blessed must I say! And a bit of it stemmed from something He-who-must-not-be-namesd a.k.a. the ex-fiance who cheated on me did suprisingly. I was sitting around mulling over the flat screen I felt I needed and throwing myself a pity party cause I really can't afford it when my lightbulb went off! What better way to get rid of the stuff my ex gave me AND get what I wanted? THE PAWN SHOP! So one google search and two pawn shops later, I was $250 richer!! Thanks for dumbass for the new TV! I actually went the more "reasonable" route and bought a Sharp 36' flat screen tube tv for $75 bucks on my favorite Craigslist! And im getting a new digital camera tomarrow!
Sidebar- so I really havent met anyone of real importance since I moved here on September 11th (what timing huh) and I went on the strangest date with an old friend this weekend. The food was AWESOME as was the server (thanks Gaslight in Hoboken)but that was pretty much it. Can 27 year old men really have like E.D.? He really couldnt get it to work. Slightly amusing (if it wouldnt have happened to me) but overall depressing.
So anyways, back to the title of my blog. So I guess FAO Shwartz in the city (NY of course) makes customized MUPPETS!!!!!!! I have always loved my muppets and since I discovered there is a Jim Henson museum in a small town in Mississpi by grandma (I think its Indianola) I have re-kindled my love for them. I truly miss the days of muppet babies and eurekas castle (anyone?...)ah, the good old days.
Well guess I should get some rest for work, ttyl!
Check this out...Muppet Whatnots!
1 comment:
So I guess your date went flat. Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun! At least you have a new TV to snuggle up too :D
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